الأحد, 25 ابرايل 2021 10:13 مساءً 0 470 0
مطلوب "Call Center – Customer Services – Sales Rep" للعمل بشركة كبرى بالمهندسين 25-4-2021
• Multinational Insurance Company opening new branch in Mohandesin, Cairo, Egypt. looking for new fresh candidates in different fields 1. Call Center 2. Customer Service Agent 3. Sales Rep • Required qualification: 1. 0 to 2 years of experience 2. College graduated 3. Knows how to work under stress 4. Meets deadlines and targets 5. Ability to work with team • To apply : send your CV and recent photo with mention the required job title (Mamdouh.gad@giglt.com.eg ).
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