الثلاثاء, 23 مارس 2021 00:14 مساءً 0 374 0
مطلوب "HR INTERNSHIP " للعمل بالدقى اليوم الثلاثاء 23-3-2021
* GO-partners offering HR INTERNSHIP (paid) * Location: Dokki * Duration: 3 months and there is an opportunity to be hired based on the performance Graduates only. HR background preferable Excellent to fluent English speaker. Max age 27 * Benefits: -you will get a practical experience and knowledge -Strong background about All departments of HR specially Recruitment & selection -3 weeks academic sessions. (workshops) * To apply : send your CV to mahmoud.hassanen@go-partners.com - Or whatsapp 01152479621
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hr .لشركة بالدقى

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