الأثنين, 22 مارس 2021 03:27 صباحًا 0 444 0
مطلوب أخصائى تسويق للعمل بشركة بمدينة 6 اكتوبر اليوم الإثنين 22-3-2021
مطلوب أخصائى تسويق للعمل بشركة بمدينة 6 اكتوبر اليوم الإثنين 22-3-2021
*Job: Marketing Specialist Vacancies at Scib paints * Department: Marketing * Job Location: 6th of October City * Qualifications: - Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Communications. -1-3 years of Experience in corporate marketing, brand management ,digital marketing. - Diploma in marketing is an add value. - Solid understanding of market research, marketing, new brand development and existing brand management & renovation, experienced with management & allocation of across media channels. - Analytical skills and attention to detail - An understanding of trends and an ability to respond to customers’ wishes - Creativity and an ability to produce innovative and original ideas - Team working skills - The ability to manage and allocate budgets - pWritten and verbal communication skills - Experience with and an understanding of market research - Time and project management skills, including the ability to work multiple projects at the same time - An ability to think strategically and come up with campaigns - Proficient in Microsoft Excel and SAP. *To apply: send your updated CV with a recent photo of you to CV@scibpaints.com and please mention the job title in the email.
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فرصة عمل - اخصائى تسويق - شركة بستة اكتوبر

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